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A hot line of a different kind - Take a look at that box of Kerr Mason lids and you might find their Consumer Help Line listed as 1-800-344-5377. Give it a call and you'll be able to talk with the girls who turn you on. I'm sure for $1.99 a minute they'll talk about preserves if that's what you want, but not sure how much help they'll be with that pesky jelly that didn't set. The real Kerr hotline is 1-800-240-3340. Read the whole hilarious story.


National Center for Home Food Preservation - An amazing site that has all of the latest USDA information and just about everything you need to know about proper food preserving techniques

RecipeSource - Formerly the Berkeley SOAR online recipe archive, a great searchable site for that weird recipe you're looking for. Pomegranate Jelly? Guava Jam? Try here.

Alltrista Consumer Products - The parent company of both Ball and Kerr, find all those essential doodads here. (Christmas lids! Bubble Spatulas! Oh Yeah!)

World War II Canning and Gardening Posters - A great collection of posters to encourage Victory Gardeners. Our Food is Fighting!

Canning and Rationing Poster from WWII - Another wonderful collection of propaganda posters.

The War Garden Victorious - An e-book history of Victory Gardening in World War I, the preserving chapter should be uploaded soon.

California Glass Company - This is a great place to buy jars in bulk that are much cheaper and nicer variety.


I love to read books about preserving to get ideas for new recipes and techniques. It's important however, to check the date of the book before you use a recipe. Safe canning practices have changed over the years, and what was perfectly fine for your grandmother may no longer meet current safety standards. If the book was written before 1990 or so, be aware of any adjustments you may need to make. It's great to use Grandma's Ball Blue Book for the recipes, but don't follow those instructions for processing!

If you're looking for preserving books in the library, they can be found under 641.4 for the Dewey Decimal System or TX601-612 for the Library of Congress system.

My Favorites:

  • Cleary Delicious - Elizabeth Lambert Ortiz
  • Preserving - Oded Schwartz
  • Pickled, Potted and Canned - Sue Shephard
  • Blue Ribbon Preserves - Linda Armendt: this is one of the most complete resources on the theory and processes of preserving, but don't let her intimidate you.  I almost quit preserving after I read this I felt like such a slob.  Just keep telling yourself: "This is just a hobby, this is just a hobby..."
  • Small-Batch Preserving - Wllis Topp & Margaret Howard
  • Sensational Preserves - Hilaire Walden
  • What Einstein Told His Cook - Robert Wolke

Other Good Books:

  • Perfect Preserves - Nora Carey
  • Sunset Home Canning
  • Preserving for All Seasons - Anne Gordon
  • Joy of Pickling - Linda Ziedrich
  • Pickles & Relishes - Andres Chesman
  • The Art of Preserving - Jan Berry
  • Preserving Fruits and Vegetable - Carol Costenbader
  • The History of Food Preservation - Stuart Thorne
  • Preserving the Taste - Edon Waycott


Santa Clara County, CA - Preserving from the Garden Interest Group - A fun group of beginning, experimenting, and experienced preservers who are passionate about preserves that are made from garden ingredients grown in the Santa Clara Valley. We swap fruit, tastes, recipes and preserving hints. Meets bi-monthly at group member's home. Co-sponsored by the Santa Clara Master Gardeners and Village Harvest. For more information contact Joni Diserens.