Various Issues
Day Worker Issue
10/16/2001 Special Meeting
Councilmember Stasek expressed dismay that there has been
unwillingness by private property owners to lease their property to the
center and noted that she was grateful that Foothill Disposal agreed to
make their former offices available for the day worker center. She was,
therefore, frustrated to hear people say that this facility is not appropriate
for the day worker center. She encouraged that if this is the only site
available, then it should be considered, regardless of how people might feel
about its former use.
She stated that she would not support any more staff time spent on
studying this issue and suggested that the St. Vincnet de Paul Society
come before the Council with a proposal that includes various levels of
alternatives. Other Councilmembers concurred.
Community Gardens
9/25/2001 Joint meeting of the Mountain View City Council (Regular) The Mountain
View revitalization Authority (Special) and the Mountain View Shoreline
Park Community (Special)
Councilmember Stasek explained that although she supports this issue, she
is sensitive to the goal-setting process and would support this issue when it
come forward. She, instead, suggested that now is a good time to begin
getting the schools' involvement in this type of program so that they might
be ready by spring to start their own gardening programs, and as those
programs get going then the City could come in and begin to work with the
Council, Staff/Committee Reports
9/25/2001 Joint meeting of the Mountain View City Council (Regular) The Mountain
View revitalization Authority (Special) and the Mountain View Shoreline
Park Community (Special)
Councilmember Stasek expressed interest in holding a low-key, yet special
event very soon, through the Human Relations Commission where
Mountain View citizens can come together as a community to show support
for and connect with the Muslim community.
State and Federal Legislative Objectives
1/30/2001 Legislative Sessions
Another Councilmember said she could support the objectives tonight because they are long standing positions taken by the Council which have been very effective in the last year to allow Council to respond quickly to legislation as it comes up.
Wagon Wheel Cardroom
2/8/2000 Council Meeting Request by Wagon Wheel restaurant for
amendment to City cardroom ordinance. Another Council member stated
that she could not support this request because nothing has changed
since their original decision and Council should not reconsider
items over and over. Motion: M/S Kasperzak/Noe FAILED 2-5;
Ambra, Faravelli, Lieber, Stasek, Zoglin no 1/25/2000.
Council Meeting Oral communications from the public - Cardroom
ordinance. Mayor Stasek stated that the City Manager would
determine whether this request would take more than one hour of
staff time. She explained that if he determined that it would take
less than one hour, this request would be agendized as a
Councilmember-sponsored item. She continued that if he determined
that it would take more than one hour, then the request would return
to the Council for direction whether staff has to invest that time.
11/9/1999 Council Meeting A Council member asked for
verification that the Police Dept. could terminate the gambling
license to the Wagon Wheel at any time if there was a problem under
the existing ordinance. A Council Member stated that she is a patron
of the Wagon Wheel and supports keeping it open until it closes by
attrition. She noted that while she appreciates that it will cost
money to enforce these regulations, there are many ordinances in the
City which need enforcement. M/S Faravelli/Lieber - Carried 4-3;
Kasperzak, Noe, Stasek no Decline to amend the City's Cardroom
10/26/1999 Council Meeting One Councilmember expressed concern
for letting the Wagon Wheel shut down based on a technicality, but
rather to allow it to happen through attrition because she feels
that at some point there is going to be a higher and more
economic use for that property. She also said that she would not
support allowing a change in ownership. Motion: M/S
Stasek/Faravelli - Carried 6-1; Lieber no Receive report and
direct the City Attorney's Office to agendize an amendment to the
City's Cardroom Ordinance.
Massage Parlors
12/7/1999 Council Meeting Public hearings condtional use
permit for sauna establishment at 1415 El Camino West A
Councilmember questioned the economic feasibility of the business
and whether it would be able to make money if the only portion of
the site that brings in revenue is the 35 square foot sauna. The
Councilmember noted that it would have been helpful to have numbers
from the applicant supporting that the business could generate
enough income from the sauna without giving massages to properly
evaluate staff's finding that the proposed use is not realistically
Legislative Agenda
1/18/2000 Study Session One Councilmember responded that she
is not comfortable with a blanket position of increasing the supply
of day care because it could take many forms, some of which would
not be conducive to good child welfare.
City Website
6/1/1999 Council Meeting One Councilmember stated that if the
City is going to have a web site, it needs to have someone to manage
it, to collect and update and maintain the quality of information.
She said one of the concerns regarding companies who use contractors
is that they are trying to avoid paying people benefits, so, she
said, she would have a hard time looking at any outside contractor
and would prefer to hire an employee. Another Councilmember
commented that the decision the Council makes tonight is not whether
or not the City will have a web site coordinator in this fiscal
year. She said it is a matter of timing rather than the
position. Straw Motion: M/S Kasperzak/Noe - Failed 3-4; Ambra,
Lieber, Faravelli, Zoglin no
5/4/1999 Study
Session Another Councilmember responded that one of the things
that made her see some value in adding support to the website is the
fact that the web site that the City has today is not the one the
City is going to need in a year or two. She said the demand of the
smart permitting system and other regulatory expenditures will be a
standard way of doing business for Mountain View businesses. She
said she feels the community is going to expect more of the website.
6/29/1999 Council Meeting Another Councilmember said the
original concept for New Year's Eve was a First Night type of
celebration. She said she had originally been very reluctant to
support that because of constraints on City staff regarding the Y2K
issue. Also, she said the Tree Lighting ceremony is the nicest thing
done in the City of Mountain View and it would not add anything to
the ceremony by combining other events. She said she could support
anything that does not involve City staff of take away from what is
going to be a busy time. Motion: M/S Ambra/Lieber - Carried 6-1;
Faravelli no
3/30/1999 Council Meeting First Night
Celebration - One Councilmember noted that there does not seem to be
an overwhelming groundswell of support for this event and also
expressed concern for City staffing because they do not yet have
their contingent staffing plan in place for Y2K.
5/11/1999 Council Meeting Do graffiti/lose your license - One
Councilmember expressed concern regarding taking away licenses for
seemingly unrelated issues but, she said, Council is not in a
position to change State law. She added that the resolution does
have the potential to publicize the State law and it may make
youngsters more aware so they do not do graffiti in the first place
and do not lose their license.
Street Closure
4/14/1999 Council Meeting Another Councilmember stated that she
could not support the street closure because she is uncomfortable
with an exception that will promote a perception that they treat
different festivals differently. She suggested that they either
throw the policy out tonight so that anyone who approaches the
Council would be able to close Castro St. to Yosemite Ave., or keep
the policy in effect for this festival season to be evaluated at the
conclusion of the festival season. Motion: M/S Stasek/Lieber -
Carried 5-0; Faravelli, Kasperzak absent Refer the issue of
festival street closure at Yosemite Avenue to the Council
Neighborhoods Committee, to be deliberated in the late fall based on
their work plan, and direct staff to advise festival applicants who
have applied or will apply for the 1999 season that they are
eligible to petition the City Council for an exception to the
Yosemite Avenue street closure in Policy K-14.
Cable TV
7/13/1999 Council Meeting New telecommunications service
provider - A Councilmember said she is excited about the competition
but expresses concern with the possibility that they are going from
a monopoly to oligarchy and also stated that the issue remains to be
seen whether or not TCI has the right to move Channel 3 and Channel
6 from their current positions and would like to include the
potential for the City Attorney to investigate whether this contact
can include the specific provision that Channel 3 and Channel 6
remain where they are.
City Centennial Celebration
8/25/2000 Council Meeting One Councilmember said she is very
comfortable with many of the events but not the big-ticket events.
She said she is comfortable with smaller events that tie in with
City events such as the open house, the bell ringing and the
historic building tours. She said there will be a need for some
part-time staff, so she is supportive of spending that money. She
said she is opposed to the legacy orchard project because she is so
supportive of a heritage orchard in the City. She noted that in
order to have a legacy orchard in time for the Centennial, it would
have to be done on a small scale and perhaps not be done as well as
if it were a major open space initiative in the City. She expressed
concern that when it became time to do a major heritage orchard,
people would say that the City already has a legacy orchard.
Day Workers
6/27/2000 Council Meeting Motion—M/S Ambra/Faravelli—FAILED
2-5; Kasperzak, Lieber, Noe, Stasek, Zoglin no—Introduce AN
RELATING TO SOLICITATION, and enact it in 30
days. Motion—M/S Kasperzak/Faravelli—Carried 6-1; Lieber
3/30/1999 Council Meeting Another Councilmember said she could
support this issue going to the Neighborhoods Committees or a new ad
hoc committee because the original AD Hoc committee has disbanded
and that is not an option. A Councilmember asked if they could put a
time frame into the motion because she knows that the Neighborhoods
Committee is very busy. Motion: M/S Lieber/Noe Carried 4-3;
Ambra, Faravelli, Zoglin, no
Mayors Conference
1/2000 Council Meeting Mayor Stasek reported that she and Vice
Mayor Noe recently attended the annual meeting of the U.S.
Conference of Mayors and the two items of interest were the new
regulations on train noise and also a resolution regarding lowering
of the flag, which she asked staff to investigate to ensure City's
compliance. She explained that there were 64 resolutions and that
she voted on those that matched Mountain View's legislative agenda
and abstained on those that the City had not taken positions on. She
stated that the full summary of resolutions is available to anyone
who is interested.
Campaign Finance Reform
4/25/2000 Council Meeting Another Council member said that in
going through the recommendations at the committee level, she did
not support the alternative regarding the provision of designation
in the sample ballot because the ballot statements are for the
candidates to put in whatever they would like. If they want to put
in that they are abiding by the expenditure limit, that is
appropriate for them to do. She said her concern is that if Council
puts in an official designation, it puts almost an official
imprimatur on this, and if the candidate then goes over the limit ,
something has been held out that is not true. She added that she
does not support in general mandatory statement designations of any
Goal Setting
4/18/2000 Study Session A Councilmember stated that targeting
the Mountain View [childcare] Task Force would be a much stronger
use of City resources. A Councilmember suggested that the Youth Ad
Hoc Committee provide information on whether they are about to wrap
up their work and what their ongoing plan is. Another Councilmember
said he (sic) would be comfortable moving the Mayor's Award Program
into the next year because this is an incredibly busy year. In terms
of downtown, she said her concern is that it is important but that
it not take a disproportionate amount of staff
County Fair
8/3/1999 Council Meeting Vice Mayor Stasek stated that she
participated in the opening ceremonies for the Santa Clara County
Fair and was able to remember former Mountain View City Mayor Joe
Cusiamo. She added that she won two blue ribbons in the Santa Clara
County Jam Competition.
Social Service Funding
5/22/2000 Study Session Mayor Stasek advised the Council that
she would be submitting a letter in support of utilizing $ 5 0 0 , 0
0 0 of County funding for medical services for the North County,
including staffing for the Mayfield Clinic and a mobile dental
5/2/ 2000 Council Meeting Another Councilmember
stated that she would like to provide money for the Clara/Mateo
Alliance Shelter for increasing services to families with
children. Straw Motion: M /S Stasek /Zoglin Carried 6 -0 ;
Kasperzak absent That the Community Services Agency be provided
$31,500 for senior services, $34,235 for emergency assistance and
$10,300 for the Alpha Omega Shelter. Straw Motion: M /S Stasek
/Ambra Carried 6 -0 ; Kasperzak absent Allocate $5,0 0 0 each for
the Clara/Mateo Alliance Shelter (emergency shelters for the
homeless and for families). Straw Motion: M /S Stasek /Zoglin
Carried 4 -1 ; Kasperzak no, Faravelli , Lieber absent Allocate
$35 ,000 to the Support Network for Battered Women. Straw Motion:
M /S Stasek /Ambra Carried 6 -0 ; Lieber absent Rebudget $ 5,0 0
0 to the Veterans Workshop, Inc. /Next Step Center (one-time costs
for rehabilitation of transitional house for homeless veterans
). Straw Motion: M /S Stasek /Kasperzak Carried 4 -2 ; Ambra ,
Faravelli no, Lieber absent Change allocation for the Community
School of Music and Arts to $17 ,510 .
Centennial Calendar
7/10/2001 Special Meeting One Councilmember commented that the
Centennial is four months away since events will begin in November,
and the Committee should be gearing up toward doing the activities
the Council has already set with the money that has already been
provided. Another Councilmember stated it is extremely difficult
and time-consuming to do fundraising and the idea that you send out
a letter and get money is not realistic. She also expressed concern
about the burden the fundraising would place on the members of the
Committee. A Councilmember felt it is a burden for the Committee
members to have to do the fundraising and they should keep it simple
in order to ensure a successful celebration. Another Councilmember
concurred and commended Chairperson Weaver for his hard work and
coordination of the Committee members. Motion—M/S
Kasperzak/Zoglin—FAILED 2-5; Ambra, Stasek, Pear, Faravelli, Lieber
no—Approve the recommendation of the Centennial Celebration
Committee regarding the creation of a Centennial Celebration
community investment program and have the Committee return to
Council if they choose to pay a professional fund developer in order
to get the Council's authorization on the details. Motion—M/S
Faravelli/Kasperzak—Carried 6-1, Stasek no—Approve a community
investment program effort focused on Mountain View corporate and
citizenship sponsorship of specific Centennial events/projects
rather than a tiered approach.
11/14/2000 Council Meeting A Councilmember indicated that she
was supportive of providing the estimated funding for staff support
for Centennial Celebration planning efforts. She also indicated that
she supported collaborating with existing events and having other
events throughout the year have a Centennial theme. She also
indicated that she had concerns in regard to outside fund-raising,
was supportive of providing funding (possibly as a loan) to the
Historical Association for the book on the history of Mountain View,
that the proposed ringing in event was duplicative of a
community-wide event and that she was not supportive of a Centennial
Municipal Code Update
10/10/2000 Council and the Human Relations
Commission Another Councilmember requested that the word
"holiday" be deleted from this section of the ordinance and that the
revised language regarding the days of the week referred to should
be culturally neutral.
Commission Work Plan Committee
1/28/1997 Council Meeting Healthy ventures outreach worker
program Motion: M/S Faravelli/Ambra Carried 5-1; Stasek no;
Zoglin abstained Consider reestablishment of an ad hoc social
concerns commission work plan committee, consisting of a combination
of Council and Commission members, to refocus the work plan and
strengthen the Council/Commission operating
Another Councilmember said she did not support
the recommendation because she feels it would be sufficient to
simply send a request back to the Commission to refine the
recommendation to make it more concise and clear. (Councilmmember
Stasek served on this committee.
Moffett Boulevard Code Enforcement Strategy
11/28/2000 Council Meeting Strategy for upgrading Moffett
Another Councilmember reminded Council that
although there is a lot of frustration with the bar, it is important
to keep in mind that whatever Council does needs to be fair and
distributed and not do something that wipes the use out of the rest
of the street because if the St. James Infirmary site redevelops,
there could be a nice bar in the hotel. She said Council needs to be
careful about what it is trying to implement. She also reminded
Council that the City has some severe planning staff limitations and
at the study session it very articulately outlined the incredible
resources that would be needed to go ahead with imposing a CUP
requirement on Moffett Boulevard. She said that this issue needs to
be considered at Council's goal-setting session to be put in the
context of everything else that needs to happen next year.
10/10/2000 Council and the Human Relations Commission A
Councilmember stressed getting relief for neighborhood residents and
supported demolishing the car wash, using the POP program to deal
with problems at the Cottage Bar, fencing the entry road next to
the car repair business on 730 Central Avenue to keep out
transients, updating the code and getting car repairs off the
street, but spoke against doing anything long-term at this point.
Oral Communications from the Public
03/06/2001 - Special Meeting City Council policy A-13, City
Council meetings
A Councilmember said the perception that the
only time the public speaks is during Oral Communications from the
Public is not the case. The public speaks on every item on the
agenda. She said that by moving the Oral Communications item earlier
on the agenda, one group of members of the public is being traded
for another group of members of the public. She said that if Oral
Communications was set before a public hearing, those members of the
public who come to speak on a scheduled agenda item would have to
wait later in the evening, and it is a matter of saying is there one
group of people from the public who deserve to speak earlier than
the others. She added that the only time exceptions in scheduling
have been made by the Council is when youth-oriented issues are
being considered and they are put earlier in the meeting. Further,
she said as long as the meetings run until 10:30 p.m. or 11:00 p.m.,
there will be members of the public who will wish to address the
Council at that time.
Planning Commission
5/15/2001 Special Meeting Special mtg. of Mt. View City Council
and the Environmental Planning Commission and Shoreline Regional
Park community and the City of Mountain View Capital Improvements
Financing Authority.One Councilmember responded that she would be
reluctant to make it a requirement of the Chair to attend every
Council meeting because it would require a significant commitment of
time given that almost every meeting has an item that has
potentially come through with the EPC. She explained that she values
the informal encounters that she has with the Commissioners where
she can then clarify any questions she might have. A Councilmember
responded that she tries to avoid saying to the press what her exact
position is on an issue until she has to vote on it, except for
issues that go on and on forever. She noted that it might be good to
keep their vote to themselves in order to avoid Brown Act problems
and other complications.