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Heritage Trees

2/15/2000 - Study Session
A Councilmember commented that the economic interest is not paramount for her, and should look at the issues of the residential development and the value of the tree. She explained that the impact of removing a single tree at a residence is much more significant than removing a group of trees in a parking lot. A Councilmember responded that this is why the Council has to make the final decision. (in response to a Commissioner commenting that even if one tree is valuable, it could be difficult to save when everyone in a neighborhood wants it removed)

4/13/1999 Council Meeting
Planned unit development and tentative map for 1655 Lloyd Way - A Councilmember gave her support for this item and expressed her appreciation to staff and the developer for working around the Heritage trees.

Burrowing Owl Migitation Plan

2/14/97 Council Meeting
Motion: M/S Figueroa/Ambra Carried 5-1; Stasek no; Noe abstained.  Adopt the Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration regarding the proposed Burrowing Owl Mitigation Plan; Another Councilmember said she did not support the motion because she feels uncomfortable with the previous history of the property, especially the disking. She said she feels the disking has changed the situation to the point where the mitigation plan does not address the
real situation, which is, that in the past, there were owls and owl burrows on the private site which are no longer there because of the disking.