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Domestic Partner Benefits

8/1/2000 Council Meeting
Mayor Stasek said that Council has spent a lot of time and effort on this item, and there has been a lot of feedback from members of the community, and so she feels this item deserves the full Council attention.
Motion—M/S Stasek/Noe—Carried 4-0; Ambra, Kasperzak, Zoglin absent-Continue consideration of
domestic partner benefits to the next regular Council meeting on September 12, 2000.

6/20/2000 Study Session
Another Councilmember said that Proposition 22 was drafted specifically to address California's
recognition of out-of-town gay marriages that might be performed in the future. She said the ballot measure arguments specifically reject the charge that the measure would impact other benefits for gay partners. She questioned the eligibility for dependents benefit and noted that a City employee's dependents are automatically eligible; so dependents of domestic partners would also be eligible. One Councilmember said that initially, her thoughts were that the City should follow the State registry, but her main priority was that the Council make this as streamlined as possible. She said, quite frankly, opposite-sex couples can get married and enjoy these benefits, so while she certainly would not oppose a decision by Council to include opposite-sex couples, she came to this from an issue of fairness for same-sex couples who cannot get married and take advantage of these benefits. That is what she is trying to rectify. 

2/28/2000 Council Meeting 
The Mayor asked the Council to consider authorizing 8 to 10 hours of staff time to update and augment information on options for domestic partner benefits, to be brought back to a Council study session. 
Motion: M/S Lieber/Noe Carried 6-0; Kasperzak absent

Social Security

2/23/1999 Council Meeting
Opposition to mandatory participation in the Social Security system - A Councilmember expressed her support for this item because of the longstanding, well-funded program of public employee retirement that has been put in place.

City Clerk

5/11/99 Council Meeting
One Councilmember said that while she wants to be sure that the City identifies any internal candidates, she is also interested in evaluating a whole pool of candidates.