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Heida giving a speech at Mothers' Day ceremony

Mothers' Day ceremony in Chagcharan

Mothers' Day ceremony in Chagchran

Mothers' Day ceremony in Chagcharan

You make up your own caption.

Ninja aid workers in Chagcharan

Ooo, here comes that cat...

No, wait, come back!

The house in summertime.

Site for girls' school in Chak-e Wardak

One of the villages to be served by girls' school in Chak

Karima in her burqua debut on site visit to Wardak

Say Cheese. (I'm the short one)

Student taking a math exam at Kabul Blind School

Creating Braille documents at Kabul Blind School

Musical group at Kabul Blind School

Broom-making teacher at Kabul Blind School

Getting ready for movie night at the house

Movie nights always start with a cartoon

Personal delivery from Tim Horton's donuts in Khandahar

Hospital Supplies being loaded for flight to Chagcharan

Hospital supplies on the Italian military flight

Girls' school tents being labeled before delivery in Ghor province

Girls' school tents at Lithuanian military base in Chagcharan

Tents almost ready

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